Pilot Travel Camera Bag | 7L Wotancraft

「PILOT 飛行員」輕量化旅遊相機包 7L

Regular priceHKD$1,600.00
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Frequently bought together

  • Zipper Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    拉鍊收納包 (PILOT 相機包專用)

  • Drawstring Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    束口收納包 (PILOT 相機包專用)

  • Add-on Module 01 | Double Zipper Accessory Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    外掛模組 01 | 雙層拉鍊收納包

  • Battery & SD Card Fastener Module | Charcoal Black Wotancraft Learn more


    相機電池 & SD 卡套模組|炭黑色

  • Hidden Zipper Pocket Module | S Size Wotancraft Learn more




[ 為攝影設計 ]




PILOT 相機包除了主空間可使用沃坦「內模組配件」外,包身前方還有兩道織帶,可外掛兩款模組小包,讓你按照各種場合自由搭配


許多使用單肩包的攝影師,一定都有攜帶腳架的困擾,PILOT 系列在底部附有兩道魔鬼氈綁帶,可用來固定大型腳架

[ 為旅行而生 ]

包身正面看不見拉鍊,防盜最安心 旅行的最佳選擇,包包背在身上時,從包身正面完全看不見拉鍊

加購外掛模組小包,組合、單獨都好用, 1 + 2 包應付各種場合

旅行時不用再懊惱要帶大包還是小包,加購外掛模組小包掛在 PILOT 前方織帶,拆下後裝上背帶就是一個隨身小包,在飯店附近逛逛時不用再整個包背出去了


為了讓背的人沒有負擔,我們特地在包身與背帶連結處加上「Duraflex 旋轉勾扣」,保持包身穩定,讓肩膀可以正確受力,不會因為包包晃動而造成不適


專為出國旅遊準備的細節設計, 包括行李拉桿套、隱藏護照口袋、以及寬大減壓背帶


包身尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高) 35 x 15 x 24 cm

主空間尺寸 32 x 10 x 20 cm
附有可拆式分隔片, 可自由規劃隔間 可黏貼魔鬼氈模組,找到專屬自己的配置
不裝 iPad 分隔板,可放入全片幅相機系統 1 機 2 鏡

iPad 用防撞分隔版 28.5 x 16.5 cm
可容納 9.7 吋 iPad Air (第四代)

拉鍊前口袋 21 x 20 cm

拉鍊前口袋內側網袋 10 x 12 cm x2
可放入行動電源、充電線、FIELD NOTES 筆記本

隱藏口袋 18 x 13 cm

500ml 水壺插袋(左右各一) 15 x 15 cm

後拉鍊口袋 24 x 15 cm


寬度 21 cm 前側 5 孔垂直織帶
織帶左右寬度 2.4cm
每道插槽 3 cm 寬

快拆可調相機腳架織帶 x2
束帶可調整長度 10 - 20 cm 用手指扳動金屬勾扣鬆開織帶、或拉扯織帶圈環束緊織帶,可攜帶收合狀態周長 27 cm 以內腳架(如 peakdesign travel tripod) 

空包重量(含背帶) ± 700 g 


  • Nylon 6,6 線紗 Cordura ® 500D 防撕裂上蠟帆布
  • Nylon 6,6 強化尼龍邦迪線縫製
  • 醫用級耐久細纖維絨布,可黏貼魔鬼氈,不易起毛失去黏性
  • 棉質裏布
  • 黃銅金屬勾扣, 霧黑烤漆處理
  • Duraflex 塑鋼勾扣(背帶與包身連接處)
  • 高密度 EVA 抗震泡棉襯墊(包身&隔片)
  • Neoprene 潛水衣布料(可拆式肩背墊)
  • Latex 乳膠泡棉(可拆式背帶墊)
  • YKK 防潑水拉鍊


  • 包款本體 x1
  • iPad 分隔板 x1
  • 分隔片,中(有頂蓋)x1
  • 分隔片,中(無頂蓋)x1
  • 可拆式肩背帶 x1
  • 可拆式肩背墊 x1
  • 綿織防塵套 x1

Feel the Smoothness in Action

A bag designed according to user instincts

Released in 2020, the Pilot bags were already a near to perfect design. Praised by many major review websites/YouTubers, the Pilot 10L was also chosen by Chris Niccolls, editor/host of DPReview TV, the Pilot Travel Camera Bag 10L has become the Gear of the Year 2021 on DPReview.

”Maybe the best compliment that I can give this bag is that, while I'm using it, I never really think about it at all” - Chris

During these 2 years, Chief Designer Albert Yuan wanted to perfect the Pilot design even more...

"Style & functionality"

In the upgraded version of the Pilot Series, we added the Fidlock and Quick-Adjust Shoulder Strap as standard features so that users could have a smoother experience when using the Pilot bags.

No matter if you are shooting photos, riding, commuting, or traveling, you can adjust your shoulder strap and access your Pilot bag in a blink of an eye.

A simple yet multi-purpose bag

"Modular add-on pockets for different occasions"

When designing the PILOT, chief designer Albert Y. combined WWII military gear details with modern lightweight technology and the MOLLE concept, creating a bag that can adapt to outdoor photography, travel, and adventure use. Add-on Pocket Modules can be attached to the front of the bag and also used individually as sling pouches. For example, use the Add-on Zipper Pouch Sling Pouch to carry important belongings for a stroll nearby your hotel when traveling.

A true lightweight bag

”Deducted weight & weight distributing designs”

Having to carry a bulky bag for a full day of shooting, photographers often suffer from back and shoulder pains. To alleviate the soaring pains, the lightweight PILOT is designed with a soft and comfy Latex foam shoulder pad and uses swivel snap hooks on both ends of the shoulder straps, making sure the PILOT stays upright and distributes weight evenly when being carried.

Being able to be carried with ease and shot all day, a lightweight bag is an absolute necessity for a photographer.

”How does the PILOT achieve its featherweight?”

Built from lightweight CORDURA ®, the fabric is at least 60% thinner than traditional canvas, 50% lighter, 10 times more durable, and also tear-resistant.

By reducing the use of leather and switching metal accessories to “Duraflex Accessories” (also used by Columbia / Patagonia / Mystery Ranch / Lululemon), the Pilot’s net weight is kept under 900g, leaving more room to carry more gear.


Water Repellent, Durability & Lightweight 

Wotancraft used to use traditional waxed canvas for its vintage looks and durability. However, the downside to traditional waxed canvas is relatively bulky and becomes a burden to photographers when in use.

We developed the iconic Wotancraft Waxed CORDURA ® Canvas and discovered that once CORDURA ® is wax coated, the synthetic Nylon sheen will be gone, creating a soft, fuzzy cotton fabric look.

With use, WOTANCRAFT waxed CORDURA ® bags will develop light shaded scuff marks, similar to the “fading” effect you find on raw denim pants.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Vince Hong

The delivery was fast and in good condition from the folks at Feverguy. Happy with the product and service!

Muhammad Aizat Mohamed Zaini
I found my grail EDC/camera messenger

The title says it all, and I’ve tried many different brands out there and really glad to have come across Wotancraft! The fact that Feverguy ships to my location is in itself a bonus!