"New Pilot" Travel Camera Backpack 18L Wotancraft

「New Pilot」旅行相機背包 18L

Regular priceHKD$2,350.00
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Frequently bought together

  • Detachable Waist Strap(For NEW PILOT 18L Backpack) Wotancraft Learn more


    Detachable Waist Strap(For NEW PILOT 18L Backpack)

  • Zipper Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    拉鍊收納包 (PILOT 相機包專用)

  • Drawstring Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    束口收納包 (PILOT 相機包專用)

  • Add-on Module 01 | Double Zipper Accessory Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    外掛模組 01 | 雙層拉鍊收納包

  • Add-on Module 02 | Coin Pouch Wotancraft Learn more


    外掛模組 02 | 輕便錢包



Exterior (W x H x D)
28 x 45 x 16 cm

Main Compartment (W x H x D)
27 x 44 x 15 cm

Laptop Compartment (W x H)
25 x 41 cm

Can fit up to an 2021 16” MacBook Pro

Inner Lid Mesh Pocket (W x H)
25 x 10 cm

Front Zipper Pocket (W x H)
22 x 35 cm

Hidden Mesh Pocket (W x H)
20 x 15 cm

Side Door Opening (W x H)
13 x 19 cm

Side Door Inner Mesh Pocket x2 (W x H)
12 x 8 cm

Side Door Pocket x2 (W x H)
12 x 14 cm
Can fit a 500L water bottle, an S-M size tripod (e.g. PeakDesign Travel Tripod) with the help of a tripod strap

Luggage Strap Opening
26 cm

3 Slot Vertical Side MOLLE x2
Width 2.4 cm
Slot opening 6 cm

7 Slot Vertical Front MOLLE x7
Width 2.4 cm
Slot opening 6 cm

* CLICK HERE for optional Add-on Modules

with dividers: ± 1570 g
without dividers: ± 1490 g

Wotancraft Duelcoat Fabric
Ultra-strength bonded Nylon 6,6 thread
Medical grade durable microfiber lining, less likely to fuzz after Velcro attachments
Cotton fabric liner
High-density EVA foam padding (bag and dividers)
YKK water resistant zipper

Package include
Main Bag x1
Camera Insert x1
Velcro Divider L Size(without lid) x2
T-shaped Removable Divider x1
Detachable Chest Strap x1
Tripod Strap x1
Dustproof Bag x1

Q:  Is there warranty to Wotancraft bags? 

A:  All Wotancraft products have a 3-year warranty period (“CLICK HERE” for more details). 

Q:  Are there any other sizes for the New Pilot backpack?

A:  Currently only this size is available.

Q:  Can the laptop compartment fit a 15” laptop?

A:  The laptop compartment is designed for 15” laptops, but it can fit an 2021 16” MacBook Pro. As long as your laptop measures within 25 x 41 cm, then it should fit.

Q:  How many bodies and lenses can the Pilot Backpack hold?

A:  It can fit up to 2 full frame DSLR bodies + 5 lenses. 

Q:  Can the Pilot Backpack fit a full frame DSLR with a battery grip?

A:  Yes, it can hold a full frame Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a battery grip / Nikon D850 with a battery grip

Q:  Can the Pilot Backpack fit a drone?

A:  Yes, it can fit up to a DJI Mavic foldable drone.

Q:  Is the New Pilot Backpack waterproof?

A:  The bag has been tested out in the rain for over an hour and the interior still remains dry.

Feel the Smoothness in Action

「簡單、好用、快取」的設計概念,貫穿整個 Pilot 系列

在 Pilot 系列中,我們一直希望這些包款能讓每位使用者都覺得「簡單,直覺,好用」。

2020 年推出 Pilot 肩背包時,從銷售量、各評測網站的推薦中可以感受到,Pilot 的設計概念有正確地傳達給使用者們。而 DPReview 編輯 Chris 將 Pilot 選為 Gear of the Year 2021 時,更是給我們許多正面的回饋,至今 Chris 在拍影片時,仍然可以看到他背著 Pilot 進行各種相機評測。

綜合了近幾年各種職業使用者的經驗與需求,這次的 New Pilot 背包我們想做到的設計不只直覺、好用,還希望將「快取」功能融合在內,這樣的機能組合到底有多好用?細節介紹請往下。

德國專利 FIDLOCK 磁吸快拆扣,單手操作一秒上手

New Pilot 後背包一樣配置了 Fidlock 磁吸快拆扣,獨特的磁吸式設計,輕推即可快速開啟,而闔上時只需輕輕將扣具兩端靠近,Fidlock 即會自動吸附扣上。

Fidlock 快拆扣只能從自己(背負包包)的方向快速開啟,反方向的人們想趁隙打開包包蓋頭是困難的事,具有一定的防盜安全性。

加上左右兩側的快取開口,新的 Pilot 後背包從三個方向(上方、左右兩側開口)都可以快速取出包內物品,使用上更直覺、順暢。

這次我們直接將上一代 Pilot 後背包的外模組做進了 New Pilot 背包裡,可向前延伸的特殊打摺設計大型長口袋,裝了外套後包身也不易變形,裡面還能黏貼模組也有暗袋可以使用。

包內的空間改為上下層設計,利用可拆式相機內套來做分層,使用方式更多元,平常上班裝筆電加隨身物品,旅行時裝兩天一夜衣服加上攝影機材,需要重裝攝影時,最多還可以裝到 2 機 5 鏡 + 腳架,能夠對應到更多使用情境。

底部束帶可用來固定外套、露營睡袋等。 電腦夾層
快取蓋頭口袋 隱藏口袋
可收納中型腳架 背帶可對應 Peak Design 相機快夾系統




Fidlock 磁吸式快扣配上快取開口,Pilot 用起來就是這麼順暢
2023 全新 Pilot 後背包使用 Fidlock 磁吸快拆扣,並保留了兩側的快取開口,讓 Pilot 後背包在整體使用上變得更順暢,當你拿到 Pilot 時,只需順著你的感覺用就對了


新版 Pilot 後背包改為上下層設計,容量 18L 最多可裝到 2 機 5 鏡。使用可拆式的魔鬼氈相機內套做為分層,可分別收納 2 天 1 夜旅行衣物及相機機材 1 機 3 鏡,如需攜帶更多攝影機材,上層空間可收納 1 機 2 鏡


Pilot 相機包除了主空間可使用沃坦「魔鬼氈內模組配件」外,包身前方還有兩道織帶,可外掛模組小包,小包拆下後也可單獨使用,讓你按照各種場合自由搭配

Patented German Fidlock Magnetic Buckle, For One-Hand Operation

The New Pilot backpack uses Fidlock magnetic buckle, which opens via a simple nudge with your fingers, and automatically snaps shut as the buckle parts are close to one another.

Camera Accessibility

Dual side L-shaped access points allow fast, one-handed entry. A Quick-Release Peak Design Camera Mount can be attached to the shoulder straps.

CORDURA® Waxed Canvas

Lightweight, Water Repellent, Anti-Tear - The toughest canvas you can find.

For the love of the canvas, early Wotancraft bags were built from traditional waxed canvas. However, due to the bulkiness of traditional canvas, Wotancraft has developed a new lightweight CORDURA Ⓡ Waxed Canvas. Presented as cotton-like fabric, the new CORDURA Ⓡ canvas is soft and durable, unlike ordinary CORDURA Ⓡ that has a plastic-like texture.

With use, WOTANCRAFT waxed CORDURA ® bags will develop light shaded scuff marks, similar to the “fading” effect you find on raw denim pants. Even with a lack of leather and metal accessories, the PILOT still inherits Wotancraft’s “Vintage Soul” vibe.

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